
BullSpree is the brand representation of Krazzy Fin Private Limited (“ BullSpree” or “ We”). BullSpree is committed to creating a safe and open environment for expression and give people a voice on its social communities available on the BullSpree website and mobile app (“ BullSpree Platform”). Through these communities, you can post, comment, vote, discuss, learn, debate, support and connect with people who share your interests. These guidelines (“ Guidelines”), set out below provide general guidance and an overview of what is and what is not allowed on the BullSpree Platform. These Guidelines apply to any content uploaded, hosted, transmitted or otherwise made available or communicated on our platform (“ Content”). Use of the BullSpree Platform constitutes the user’s acceptance of these Guidelines as may be amended from time to time. BullSpree may, at its sole discretion, also notify the user of any change or modification in these Guidelines, by way of sending an email to the user’s registered email address or posting notifications on the BullSpree Platform.

This document/agreement/understanding is an electronic record in terms of Information Technology Act, 2000 and rules and regulations thereunder and is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures. This document is published in accordance with the provisions of Rule 3 of the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011.By using BullSpree, you agree to these guidelines and our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. We are committed to these Guidelines and we require you to be committed too. Violation of these Guidelines may result in deleted content, disabled accounts, or other restrictions including a complete ban from the BullSpree Platform. We may also notify law enforcement when we believe that there is a genuine risk of physical harm or a direct threat to public safety. Any action or decision taken by BullSpree for violation of these Guidelines shall be at BullSpree’s sole discretion.

BullSpree has sought to make these Guidelines as detailed as possible, however, this is not an exhaustive list of policies and all Content, if reported, shall be analysed independently based on the parameters mentioned in these Guidelines. We urge you that if you find Content that indirectly or directly violates these Guidelines, please report it to BullSpree in the manner set forth herein.

Prohibited Content

The following types of content are prohibited on the BullSpree Platform and may warrant action from BullSpree.

· Spam

Spam is any repeated, unwanted, unsolicited actions, whether automated or manual, that negatively affect the communities on the BullSpree Platform. To avoid being a spammer, do not do any of the following:

  • Post, share, engage with Content, or create accounts, groups, pages, events, either manually or automatically, at very high frequencies;

  • Direct users of the BullSpree Platform directly or indirectly to leave the BullSpree Platform for another website by posting misleading content, re-directing users to defective pop-up websites or impersonating well-known brands;

  • Link to harmful third-party content, such as malware, phishing websites, deceptive pop-ups, etc.

  • Incentivise users to partake in some kind of monetary action for the purpose of gaining any unfair or undue advantage on the BullSpree Platform;

  • Program bots that harm the BullSpree Plaform, including bots intended to promote content, products or services;

  • Repeatedly contact people for commercial purposes without their consent;

  • Post repetitive comments across the BullSpree Platform multiple times without any context or post Content that include the words “follow me” in standalone form. Do note, however, that genuine instances where the words “follow me” come up contextually and naturally will not be included in this category;

  • Post repetitive Content or comments promoting other financial literacy platforms, Telegram or Whatsapp groups or repeatedly mentioning names of competitors on the BullSpree Platform.

  • Posting any form of content that can make any other user believe about your association with any brand, company, trust, organisation, community or service that provides information/ tips/ tricks/ hacks/ cheats on financial literacy Learning contests offered on BullSpree Platform.

· Misinformation or Scam

You do not have to use your real name on the BullSpree Platform, however, your name cannot include:

  • Characters from multiple languages;

  • Symbols, numbers including without limitation mobile numbers, unusual capitalization, repeating characters or punctuation;

  • Words or phrases in place of name;

  • Offensive or suggestive words of any kind; or

  • Names of brands associated with financial literacy Learning contests .

That said, we do require users :

  • to provide us with accurate and up to date account-related information.

  • Not to impersonate others by using their images with the explicit aim to deceive people;

  • Not to create accounts for the purpose of violating our guidelines or misleading others.

  • Not to Use another person or organization’s name or details in a misleading manner;

  • Not to post images, videos, clips, gifs and such other content that is likely to deceive the public to the content’s origin, if (i) the entity or an authorised representative object to the content; and/ or (ii) can establish a risk of harm to members of the public;

  • Not to Create accounts for minors;

  • Not to maintain multiple accounts;

  • Not to Share an account with another person;

  • Not to create another account after being banned from the BullSpree Platform;

  • Not to create an account assuming to be or speak for another person or entity for whom you are not authorised to do so;

  • Not to use another person’s name, username, image, brand, logo, or other personal information; and

  • Not to Set up a user account using the name and image of a person, and then pretending that person is posting content or comments.

· Violent and Criminal Behaviour

We remove any content that encourages violence or has the potential to contribute to real-world harm or attacks on anyone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, disabilities or diseases. We vehemently prohibit hate speech, bullying and harassment and misinformation that contributes to the risk of imminent violence or physical harm. We try to consider the language and context in order to distinguish casual statements from content that constitutes a credible threat to public or personal safety.

Do not post any of the following:

  • Statements of intent to commit violence or statements advocating violence;

  • Content that encourages glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual or a group of people or animals;

  • Threats that lead to serious injury towards private individuals, public figures, high-risk persons or high-risk groups;

  • Content that praises or supports any criminal or terrorist organisations or individuals or any acts committed by them;

  • Content that praises or supports hate crimes, organised violence, mass shooting, human trafficking groups etc.;

  • Misinformation and unverifiable rumours that contribute to the risk of imminent violence or physical harm;

  • Content encouraging participation in high-risk viral challenges;

  • Content advocating vandalism, harm against property, theft etc.

  • Content that encourages bribery, embezzlement, money laundering, scams or any other fraudulent activity;

  • Content that promotes the selling of financial literacy teams or convinces others to partake in any kind of monetary transactions;

  • Content that facilitates or coordinates the exploitation of humans, including human trafficking;

  • Content that encourages suicide, self-injury, self-mutilation including certain graphic imagery and real-time depictions of such acts;

  • Display content that promotes drug consumption, or encourages others to make, use, or trade-in drugs or other illicit substances;

  • Content that threatens the unity, integrity, defence, security or sovereignty of India, friendly relations with foreign states, or public order.

· Harassment

We do not tolerate harassment, threatening, or bullying of any individuals on the BullSpree Platform nor do we tolerate any groups dedicated to this behaviour. Do not do any of the following on the BullSpree Platform:

  • Repeatedly contact someone in an unwanted, unsolicited or sexually harassing manner;

  • Target anyone by attacking them based on their status as a victim of sexual assault, sexual exploitation or domestic abuse;

  • Threaten to release an individual’s private phone number, residential address or email address;

  • Abuse, use curse words or swear words in any language against any individual in a derogatory way or engage in targeted swearing;

  • Make derogatory comments against other users or any other individuals;

  • Create pages or groups that are dedicated to attacking an individual;

  • Call for self-injury or suicide of a specific person or group of people;

  • Post content that mocks premature death, serious or fatal disease or disability, starvation, physical violence, domestic violence or serious physical injury;

  • Make calls for death, serious disease or disability, or physical harm to a specific person or group of people;

  • Attack a specific person or group of people through derogatory terms related to sexual activity;

  • Post content about a violent tragedy, or victims of violent tragedies, that includes claims that a violent tragedy did not occur.

· Hate Speech

We remove content that contains credible threats or hate speech or content that incites violence or promotes hate based on identity or vulnerability or certain characteristics such as race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, caste, sex, gender, gender identity and serious disease or disability.

Do not post any of the following:

  • Violent or dehumanising speech, statements of inferiority, or calls for exclusion or segregation targeting a person or specific persons;

  • Content mocking events or victims of hate crimes;

  • Content that describes or negatively targets people with slurs;

  • Calls for segregation or political, social or economic exclusion of specific persons on the basis of their identity;

  • Expressions of contempt, dismissal, disgust or generalisations about the inferiority of specific persons on the basis of their identity.

· Copyright Violation

We require you to post original content and to refrain from posting content that violates someone else’s intellectual property rights. Plagiarism of other users’ profiles or profile elements of other users is prohibited. Do not do any of the following:

  • Reshare a portfolio created by another user and portray it as your own portfolio;

  • Reshare a personalized image with data belonging to another BullSpree user, as your own data; and

  • Reshare a BullSpree screenshot shared by another user and project it as your own.

· Security of the BullSpree Platform

Attempts to gather sensitive personal information by deceptive or invasive methods are harmful to the authentic, open, and safe atmosphere that we want to foster. Therefore, we do not allow attempts to gather sensitive user information through the abuse of the BullSpree Platform. Do not do any of the following:

  • Hack the BullSpree Platform or encourage users to hack the BullSpree Platform or engage in any other activities that threaten or compromise the security of the BullSpree Platform;

  • Gain or attempt to gain access to any account or user data other than your own without explicit permission from the account owner;

  • Disseminate any individual’s personal or confidential information including but not limited to PAN card, bank details, AADHAR card, telephone number, email address, residential address etc;

  • Encourage or deceive users and entities to download or run files or programs that will compromise a user’s online or data security. Such files and programs will be deemed to install malicious software or “malware” if they harm or gain unauthorized access to a computer, device, or network;

  • Distribute files that contain viruses, trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, or other materials that are malicious or harmful;

  • Attempt to obtain the sensitive information of others such as usernames, passwords, or other personal information, through deceptive means or the use of malicious software or websites;

  • Publicly share your own or another user’s login information on the BullSpree Platform or through a third-party service;

  • Post Content that provides tips or encourages hacking of the BullSpree Platform or engages in any other activities that threaten or compromise the security of the BullSpree Platform;

  • Create, share, or host malicious software or malicious browser extensions to compromise accounts or gain access to user data or to interrupt the efficient functioning of the BullSpree Platform.

· Offensive Language & Visually Inappropriate Content

We have zero-tolerance for predatory behaviour towards minors or posting sexual or suggestive content involving minors or someone who appears to be a minor. We remove content that depicts, threatens or promotes sexual violence, sexual assault or sexual exploitation. We remove content that displays, advocates for or coordinates sexual acts with non-consenting parties. Do not post any of the following:

  • Child sexual abuse imagery, child pornography, and any other content, including financial literacy content, that depicts encourages or promotes paedophilia, child sexual exploitation, or otherwise sexualizes minors or someone who appears to be a minor;

  • Content that consists of any form of sexual touching, crushing, necrophilia or bestiality, or forced stripping or mocking victims of such acts;

  • Non-consensual intimate images of a person or secretly taken non-commercial imagery of a real person’s commonly sexualised body parts or of a person engaged in sexual activity;

  • Details about any adult commercial sexual services or prostitution activities, including requesting, offering or asking for rates for escort services.

  • Content that consists any nudity, pornography, whether consensual or non-consensual.

Any sexually explicit or derogatory language is strictly prohibited

· Reporting

Each of us is an important part of the BullSpree community. If you see any post or comment that you think may violate these Guidelines, please report such Content by clicking on the Report button available on the app. Should you feel the need to communicate and share information about an offensive post or comment, you may choose to write to us at When reporting Content, try to provide as much information as possible, such as links, usernames, and descriptions of the content. The BullSpree team shall personally review the post or comment and may provide warnings via emails, remove entire posts if they are found to violate our Guidelines, temporarily or permanently ban and/ or block users who post objectionable Content or report such behaviour to relevant authorities, helplines and third party experts, at the sole discretion of BullSpree. For the avoidance of doubt, it is pertinent to mention that BullSpree may categorise the users into two categories, i.e. “Repeated offender” and “New Offender” based on the number of post(s)/comment(s) that have been reported for each user. Each Repeated Offender will be automatically blocked from commenting on BullSpree Platforms at the sole discretion of BullSpree and will be intimated via email. Each New Offender, however, shall be given a warning and if the user continues to violate these Guidelines after receiving the warning, then BullSpree shall reserve the right to block the user permanently from commenting on BullSpree Platforms. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, if a user wishes to be unblocked then he/ she shall place a request at Please note that BullSpree shall have the right to review a user’s request for unblocking a user account on a case to case basis and any decision taken by BullSpree shall be at its sole discretion.

· Moderation

In addition to moderation of Content through the user reporting mechanism. In case of groups, the administrators of the groups on the BullSpree Platform (“Group Admin”) shall have the power to remove any user found to be sharing any aforementioned prohibited content or otherwise violating these Guidelines. Group Admins may mute all other group members from sending messages by turning on the “Only Group Admins can send Message” mode. BullSpree may also report risky behaviour to relevant authorities, helplines and third party experts and block user access to the BullSpree Platform, at the sole discretion of BullSpree.

For more information, please read the BullSpree Terms and Conditions the BullSpree Privacy Policy on the BullSpree Platform or contact BullSpree at